Hello All,
Words from the Womb is a Web Site dedicated to the sanctity of life. I hope that this Apostolate helps educate everyone about the Life Issues, concentrating on the life and development of the child in the womb. The Apostolate is dedicated to Rosa Mystica, the Virgin Mary, and hopes to mirror the Respect Life Program offered by the Bishops of the Catholic Church. The Church offers a comprehensive, consistent teaching of the Life Issues which can be applied from conception to natural death. The pillars of the Bishops’ Program are: Education, Prayer, Pastoral Works, and Public Advocacy.
The primary spokesperson for ‘Words from the Womb’ is Rose Michael Bryo, an infant, two months gestational age. Rose will speak from the womb, and encourage engagement in the Culture of Life, using the pillars developed by the Bishops of the USCCB. Rose will report her growth and development from her time as a zygote (one-celled person) until it is time for her entry into the larger universe at 9 months gestational age. Rose will describe her various organs and bodily systems, and encourage everyone to develope healthy habits and maintain good nutrition. Rose may talk about her many ‘cousins’ throughout the world at various stages of growth within their mothers' wombs.
Prayers will be posted for those working toward a Culture of Life, and those involved in the Culture of Death. Links will be provided to individuals and organizations involved in this vital work which will include a brief description of each group's mission, and the description will specify whether that organization is concentrating on Prayer, Education, Pastoral Works, or Advocacy in the Public Square. Stories featuring the Saint of the Day from Franciscan Media may be told. Rose may feature an individual or organization in greater detail in 'story' form or by interview on a regular basis. The reader can learn about the work performed by these groups, and make a decision whether to help an organization in its efforts to promote the Culture of Life and protect the rights of unborn humans.
Rose will offer letters to her mother, and letters from her 'cousins' to their mothers. Letters to politicians stressing the humanity of the unborn may be posted to assist persons in formulating their own correspondence. Notes will be written to the 'spiritual mothers' from Rose's 'cousins' that did not survive the complicated journey in the womb, whether it be from natural causes or procured means.
Rose has a second persona of an elderly, feeble artist who suffers from a familial tremor, GrandMa Roses. GrandMa Roses represents Rose’s father and when Rose identifies herself as ‘We’, she acknowledges the contributions of her father to this creative endeavor. This literary practice is known as nosism. Photographs and works of art may be featured on the Web Site and on paper. These works are to help remind the reader of the beauty of God's creations in nature, and the unique beauty of each person, no matter their size or stage of development. It is Rose's hope that those reading about these Life Issues will experience a Metanoia, and work for the legal protection of the unborn child.
Rose talks about the language used by the Culture of Death which employs euphemisms that do not convey the truth. Rose broadcasts truth, goodness, and beauty in her letters and posts. She captures the phrases “Blob of Tissue” and “Clump of Cells” from the Death Culture, then enlightens us with the truth about these complex, beautiful terms. Rose clarifies the untruths told by those in the legal profession in their discussion of Roe v. Wade, and clarifies the difference between Just Laws and those that are Unjust. Rose quotes St. Augustine on this matter.
Putting an end to the life of an innocent person is a serious sin. No sin is beyond God's mercy when it finds a repentant heart. Abortion is a devastating trauma to experience, and there are serious physical, emotional, and psychological injuries that result from this trauma. The Church understands the complexities of this decision and the wounds it causes. St. John Paul II in Evangelium Vitae says: "Give yourselves over to humility and trust to repentance." After meeting and embracing Mercy, we can allow the grace of God to transform us into instruments of mercy to others in need of it. This need for Mercy applies to the country and its citizens as well as those spiritual mothers and fathers whose children have been lost to abortion. Many of the organizations featured on this site offer post-abortion healing programs. Read more details at Project Rachel which is sponsored by the Bishops of the United States. https://hopeafterabortion.com/.
With love,
Rose M. Bryo