St. Michael the ArchangelPrayer

St. Michael the Archangel



These organizations promote the Culture of Life within a world which is ignorant about the issues for the most part.  Some have a narrow focus, such as Black Genocide's mission of Education.  Most express their views and use more than one of the four pillars (Education, Prayer, Pastoral Works, and Public Advocacy) to carry out their missions.  The USCCB embraces all four pillars in its battle.  As a helpless, innocent babe in my mum's womb, I ask that you learn about these different groups, and assist us in protecting the rights of the unborn.  Make abortion UNTHINKABLE!

The banners in this section listing Resources reflect the four pillars used to promote a Culture of Life that include: Education, Prayer, Pastoral Care, Public Advocacy.  

Rose M. Bryo

Black Genocide:  This organization exposes the fact that the abortion industry targets black children for destruction in a disproportionate way.  This group promotes the Sanctity of Life Curriculum in African American churches.  Genocide is described and abortions are compared with the Holocaust and Slavery.  Mission:  Education

Helpers of God's Precious Infants:  This organization conducts prayer services and vigils at abortion facilities.  Counseling of women occurs in a non-judgemental way.  Post-abortion programs are offered.  Mission:  Education, Prayer                                                        

Live Action:  This organization educates about the Life Issues and investigates organizations in the abortion industry.  They expose the abuses of Planned Parenthood which include the coverup of underaged rape, sex trafficking, and the illegal sales of body parts.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

National Catholic Bioethics Center:  This organization teaches us about the dignity of the human person in health care and life sciences.  They do research, perform consultations and publish educational materials.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

Susan B. Anthony List:  This organization advocates Pro-Life Legislation and those seeking public office who believe in the sanctity of life.  They educate voters and legislature about the Life Issues.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

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Charlotte Lozier Institute:  This is the education and research arm of Susan B. Anthony List.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

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40 Days for Life: This organization conducts peaceful prayer vigils at abortion facilities and promotes fasting and prayers.  Mission:  Prayer, Pastoral Care

Americans United for Life: This Pro-Life legal team fights for the legal protection of the unborn.  Mission:  Advocacy

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust:  This group educates and trains abolitionists to be effective voices for the young and unborn.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

Abortion NO:  This group established the Center for Bioethical Reform to educate and establish pre-natal justice for the unborn.  They organize the GAP (Genocide Awareness Project).  Mission:  Education, Advocacy, Pastoral Care

Feminists for Life: This organization seeks solutions to challenges that face women, and work for justice for all, including the unborn.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

Abolish Human Abortion:   This is a young group that educates and fights for the abolition of abortion.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

Center for Client Safety: This organization exposes abuses and illegal activities which occur in abortion facilities. Mission: Education, Pastoral Care, Advocacy




Students for Life of America:  Students educate and activate the young for the Pro-Life cause.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

Bound 4 Life:  This organization conducts a prayer mobilization movement to abolish abortion and reform government and society through a spiritual awakening.  Mission:  Education, Prayer

Rock for Life:  This is a group of bands, musicians, and artists that educates and mobilizes youth for the Life Movement.  Mission:  Education

Human Life Alliance:   This group educates young people on campuses through distribution of its literature.  Misssion:  Education

Concerned Women for America:   A christian organization that educates about abortion and encourages prayer.  Mission:  Education, Prayer, Advocacy

Elliot Institute:  This research group provides education about the effects of abortion, and assists with healing and advocacy.  Mission:  Education, Pastor Care, Advocacy

Abortion Recovery InterNational - ARIN:  An international group that educates and provides pastoral care to those suffering from the effects of abortion.  Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care

Save the Storks:  This organization provides education about abortion through social media, and promotes the use of high-tech, mobile pregnancy resource centers.  Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care

Life Issues Institute:  http//   This organization works to educate about Life Issues, and assure equal protection under the law from conception to natural death.  Mission:  Education

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Personhood Alliance: http// This is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to the non-violent advancement of recognition and protection of the God-given inaliable right to life of all human beings as legal persons, at every stage of their biological development and in every circumstance. Mission: Education, Public Advocacy

Work of Mercy

Work of Mercy


Adoption and Birth Mothers:  This organization educates about post-abortion effects and adoption.  Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care, Advocacy

Vitae Foundation:   This organization uses right brain techniques through mass media to spread the pro-Life word.  Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care

Life Chain:  This group organizes prayerful, peaceful vigils.  Mission:  Education, Prayer  

Abort 73:  This group educates people in order to abolish abortion.  They distribute gear, pens, stickers, bags, and encourage the use of their logo.  Mission:  Education

All Girls Allowed:   A group dedicated to transforming hearts and society to expose the injustice in China of its One-Child/Two-Child policy.  Mission:  Education, Prayer, Advocacy

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Life Legal Defense Foundation:  This organization defends innocent humans against the threat of death, and they defend free speech for pro-life advocates.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy 

Stand True:  This pro-life outreach group works to establish a culture of life and a change of hearts by activating young people.  Mission:  Education

Radiance Foundation: A faith-based organization that uses multi-media presentations and journalism to teach us the intrinsic value of each human life, and that life has purpose. They promote adoption and family. Mission: Education, Pastoral Care

Too Many Aborted: This is an arm of the Radiance Foundation which educates the public about the impact of abortion on the Black Community. They publish testimonies and many videos while promoting adoption. Mission: Education, Pastoral Care

National Black Pro-Life Coalition: This network of Pro-Life, Pro-Family organizations is working to end abortion and restore a Culture of Life in the Black Community. They educate, work in the public square, and provide pastoral care to those who suffer from the physical and emotional effects of abortion. Mission: Education, Advocacy, Pastoral Care.

Pastoral Work of Mercy

Pastoral Work of Mercy


And Then There Were None:  This organization works with people who work in the abortion industry, assisting their transition to the Culture of Life.  Mission:  Education, Prayer, Pastoral Care, Advocacy

Abortion Survivors: This organization assists those who have survived an abortion attempt to heal from their wounds. It helps train abortion survivors to become advocates for the unborn. Mission: Education, Prayer, Pastoral Care

KY Right to Life:   This organization promotes the sanctity of life for the unborn and the elderly.  Mission:  Education, Political Advocacy

Human Coalition:  This organization educates, performs research, and works with other groups to promote a culture of life.  Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care

Drug Rehab Pregnancy Guides:, This organization provides information, resources, and treatment for persons fighting addiction and related conditions. Inpatient treatment is available. Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care, Advocacy

Addiction Center: This organization provides treatment to persons suffering from a variety of addictions. Mission: Education, Pastoral Care

FreeRehabCenters.Net: This organization provides a list of low-cost or free centers that treat alcohol or drug addiction. Mission: Education, Pastoral Care

Birth Injury Justice Center: This organization assists families with legal and medical referrals for children with birth injuries. Mission: Education, Pastoral Care, Advocacy

Human Life International:   This Catholic agency builds a culture of Life and Love, while promoting the dignity of every human person.  Mission:  Education, Prayer, Pastoral Care, Advocacy

Pope Paul VI Institute:  This institution is headed by Dr. Hilgers who specializes in Fertility Care and NaPro Technology.  Mission:  Education

Priests for Life:  International organization that coordinates the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life.  Mission:   Education, Prayer, Political Network, Pastoral Care.

Rachel's Vineyard:  Post-abortion Healing Retreats.  Mission:  Prayer, Pastoral Care

USCCB: Conference of Catholic Bishops have an extensive program that promotes the sanctity of Life.  Project Rachel, Post-abortion Healing Retreats, can be found at:  Mission:  Education, Prayer, Public Policy, Pastoral Care

C-FAM:  This group defends Life and Family Issues at international organizations, including the UN.  They publicize the debate and publish 'Friday Fax' weekly.  Mission:  Education, Public Advocacy

Population Research Institute:  This organization is headed by Stephen Mosher, a convert to the cause of Life.  They debunk the myth of overpopulation.  They work to expose human rights abuses, and work to defund abortion, contraception, and sterilization programs around the globe.  They emphasize that people are our most important resource.  Mission:  Education, Advocacy

Heartbeat International:  This is a network of Pregnancy Resource Centers that helps reach and rescue abortion-vulnerable persons.  They offer leadership development, and represent and defend pregnancy help centers throughout the world.  Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care, Public Advocacy.

Silent No More: A campaign to make the public aware of the physical and emotional pain caused in men and women who have suffered an abortion. This organization promotes education and healing programs. Mission: Education, Pastoral Care

Justice/Advocacy - U S Supreme Court

Justice/Advocacy - U S Supreme Court - Witness in the Public Square


The Endowment for Human Development:  This organization promotes scientiific education and public health.  Mission:  Education

We Need a Law:  This organization mobilizes Canadians and encourages politicians in that country to construct laws that protect the unborn.  Mission:  Education, Public Advocacy 

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Archdiocese of Louisville Pro Life Ministries:  This is the arm of the Bishops that supports the Respect Life Program throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville.  Mission:  Education, Prayer, Pastoral Care, Public Advocacy

Word on Fire:   An educational website published by Bishop Robert Barron of the Archdiocese of LosAngeles.  There are lectures, videos, and articles that teach about the Catholic Faith, and apply these teachings to the world in which we live.  Mission:  Education

Natural Womanhood:   A site devoted to educating women about fertility awareness methods of birth control and family planning.  They educate, publish brochures, and lobby the CDC to publish correct scientific data about FABM's.  Mission:  Education

Safe Haven Baby Boxes:  An organization that installs emergency boxes for infants whose families are unable to provide care for new-born infants, and this device provides a safe way to abandon the child anonymously.  The boxes are heated, cooled, and wired for immediate notification of emergency personnel.  Mission:  Pastoral Care

Human Embryology:  This site details the development of the human embryo from fertilization to birth.  Mission:  Education

Embryology:  Human Development: This site details the development of the embryo and fetus, from conception to birth.  Mission:  Education

Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center:   This organization counsels women during pregnancy, offers spiritual and material support to these women.  They conduct chastity ed-ucation, and offer post-abortion healing.  Mission:  Education, Prayer, Pastoral Care

Choice 42:  An organization in Canada working to change hearts about unlimited, legal abortion in that country.  They are educating Canadians about the humanity of the unborn child by using informative writings and videos.  Mission:  Education, Pastoral Care, Public Advocacy  

Issues 4Life Foundation: This organization has a mission to end abortion. It raises awareness of the impact of abortion and the biblically immoral implementation of unethical biotechnology in Black America. Mission: Education, Prayer, Pastoral Care

Grantham Collection: This site displays pictures of instruments used in abortion procedures, and gives a description of their modes of action. Mission: Education

ATTENTION: Link from this site does not work. Copy link & try from your browser. Quite moving. Read the descriptions, then use your imagination. You’ll get the gruesome picture!

Democrats for Life of America: This group promotes a Whole Life Policy within the democratic party, and promotes policies that assist the most vulnerable. Mission: Education, Public Advocacy

Mercator: This news source reports on the happenings of the day. Commentaries are written to explain the Culture and the news. The dignity of the human person is always at the center of their reports. Mission: Education