Love Letters
These letters will offer thanksgiving to our mothers, both real and spiritual, and they will be a means of expressing our love for them, and will relay the infinite love and mercy that God has for them. In the letters my 'cousins' and I will attempt to educate those mothers who have suffered an abortion that no sin is beyond God's Mercy and we will encourage our mothers to seek forgiveness from God, have the courage to forgive themselves, then seek healing available at many pregnancy centers and churches in our land.
Letters may instruct the medical community and our civic leaders that the unborn are members of the human race, deserving full protection under the law. We will remind them to follow Natural Law when they are faced with choices. We will ask our leaders to achieve Justice for the Unborn, and restore the most basic Human Right, the Right to Life. We will teach leaders that our bodies are Gifts from the Creator, to be used according to His Will. We hope to rid America of unjust laws against the unborn, by first creating a Metanoia, that will make abortion unthinkable. May God have mercy on us!
At the completion of each letter from the womb there is a brief note describing the target audience for that correspondence. If you wish, you can use these letters as a template to compose your own correspondence to certain individuals or groups. Letters sent after 2/19/2019 to public figures will conclude with an explanation of my Pen Name, Rose Michael Bryo.
"Lord, help me to make time today to serve you in those who are most in need of encouragement or assistance."
— St. Vincent de Paul
Pen Name: Rose Michael Bryo is the Pen Name (Pseudonym) of Sam DunLany, M.D. Rose is a gestational 2 month old embryo, who usually signs her writings as: Rose M. Bryo.
Sam DunLany, M.D. is a retired physician of Internal Medicine, who, with his imaginary daughter, Rose, publishes a website: The purpose of the website is to educate people about development of the child in the womb, to reveal the humanity of the unborn, and to encourage a Change of Heart with respect to the injustice shown the Unborn. Sam DunLany is the father of three grown children, two of whom are adopted.
Letter to Mummy July, 2017
My Dearest Mum,
Thanks for providing me with a warm, cozy (code for cramped) place for me to change and grow until I can ‘make it’ in the real world. I can’t wait to meet you, hug you, and take a deep breath of fresh air - speaking of which - wait ’til you hear what He has me drinking and breathing in here! More about that later.
I’m looking forward to greeting my siblings (if I’m not the first-born), aunts, uncles, cousins, and the many friends of our family. I know my grandparents have joined their Maker, and are not physically present on earth, but I’m sure you will relate their lives and stories in such a way that I will feel connected to them. Many of my ‘cousins’ in wombs throughout the world still have grandparents awaiting them, anxiously anticipating spoiling their little ‘tikes’, yet I know I will be spoiled by my many substitute grandparents.
I’m having fun in here trying out my newly-found senses, and I like stretching my arms and legs. I apologize for punching you so hard in the belly! I’m sorry too for pushing on your bladder. Please keep talking and singing to me. I like that. Are you a bluebird? It is dark and wet in this temporary home, and I thank you for the occasional exposure to the bright, warm sun. I have see-through skin (my largest organ by surface area) that is wrinkling in this wet environment. The skin helps me feel the fluid, my body, and your endometrium through the sac!
Speaking of senses, I want to thank you for that chocolate cake with penuche icing, along with the scoop of peanut butter/chocolate ice cream last night. Delish! I like the many sweets you share with me, and I forgive you for being a Super Taster! I understand that grilled asparagus, brussels sprout, and broccoli are not only delicious, but also healthy. OK, I’ll wait!
I have many hopes and dreams, but my first wish is that my features and organs come through this complex period of growth and change without major deformities. I understand that my father was born with a congenital heart defect before the diagnostic tools and treatments became available. He and his family were hopeful, and with God’s grace, medical brain power, research, and hard work, solutions were found, and treatment was rendered successfully.
I know it’s not easy carrying a baby for nine months, but we’ll make it through this together. A geriatric pregnancy (my father told me you had celebrated 70 life-years earlier) has many risks associated with it, but we have to remain HOPEful. Many expectant mums have other worries and trials to face during this time, and I pray they will seek help from friends, family and Faith Communities during their pregnancies, so we can all celebrate many birthdays.
Mummy, my career choices are endless, but my duty for the next seven months is to educate everyone about my life and maturation in this beautiful home you have given me. I hope to stimulate a Metanoia within those in need, so that all will recognize my humanity. I know you will welcome me into your magnificent universe.
With Love and Gratitude,
Rose Michael Bryo (Age: 2 Month Gestation)
Rose M. Bryo
Letter to a mother carrying this child named Rose - age 2-month gestation.
Letter to the Creator August, 2017
Dear Creator,
Thank you for the ‘heavenly’ display you produced earlier this week that traversed the U.S. from sea to sea. My experience, from deep within my mother’s womb, was not as profound as that experienced by my mother and others observing this event from the earth’s surface. Deep within this warm, dark compartment there was the slightest hint that the bright sky had dimmed, and the hot summer air had cooled just a fraction.
My mother is not scientifically inclined - high brow speak for ‘I don’t care for science’ - but my father enjoyed watching the visions of the sun and moon, as well as hearing the explanation of the events as they unfolded. My parents enjoyed the 95% occlusion of the sun from their geographical location, but the ‘diamond ring effect’ and the corona exhibited in the total occlusion path were stunning. You put on a great show, my dear Creator!
The reflections by the director of the Vatican Observatory, Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, spoken at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Hopkinsville, KY should be inspiration to us all. He reminded us that there is no conflict between faith and science. “Being a scientist can be a way of worshiping God,” he said. “We can come to know the Creator by seeing the things of his creation.” The pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul, Rev. Richard Meredith, introduced Brother Consolmagno by reciting Psalm 19: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God; the sky proclaims its builder’s craft.”
"From the natural point of view we come to know God from the vestiges of Himself that He has left in the splendors of the visible universe: the blazing red sunset, the snow-covered mountain peaks, the graceful flight of a bird, the breathtakingly magnificent complexity of a single living cell. On a still more exalted level we know Him in the loveliness of the saints – but it remains a knowledge
of the infinite through the finite."
— Fr. Thomas Dubay from "Fire Within"
Fr. Meredith is a friend of my parents, and has served on the Owensboro Diocesan ‘Gospel of Life Committee’, and the Pro Life Committee of the Catholic Conference of Kentucky. Fr. Meredith and my parents have marveled at your creation located at the other ‘end’ of your universe, Dear Creator. I’m speaking about the tiny embryo, beginning as a one-celled zygote, embedded deep within my mother’s womb, quickly changing and growing, according to your divine plan. Fr. Meredith said the eclipse is a wonder, and I think he would agree that the miracle of the child growing within the womb is another wonder that also praises You, our Creator.
The public can read more about these wonders as reported by Dennis Sadowski of the Catholic News Service, and posted by Franciscan Media at:
Lord, thank you for the many wonders of creation, especially the gift of life!
With love,
Rose M. Bryo
Letter of Thanks to the Creator from the Child in the Womb.
Letter to the Editor of the Courier-Journal 11/22/17
I would like to extend a hearty, warm welcome to Kim Greene, to join us in the 21st century! Kim, the science is in, and a new member of homo sapiens with a full complement of human DNA, joins us at the moment of conception, when the sperm fertilizes the mother’s egg. This is not a matter of personal choice, nor is it dependent on a ruling by the Supreme Court. The Truth is: a unique person is brought into being at the moment of conception, and implantation of the blastocyst, is just one of many processes that occurs throughout this miraculous pregnancy.
I remind Ms. Greene that not long ago the Supreme Court denied personhood to members of the Black Race. I invite Planned Parenthood to renounce the eugenic mindset of its founder, Margaret Sanger, who referred to members of the Black Race as 'human weeds’. I pray that Planned Parenthood will experience a metanoia, and in the words of Ms. Greene, begin caring for the futures of ALL children, including the innocent ones in the womb.
Read more about the science of personhood and the Black Genocide at: and
Rose M. Bryo
Appropriate Letter to the Editor in support of a Culture of Life.
Letter to President & Mrs. Obama October, 2016
The President
and Mrs. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President and Mrs. Obama,
Images of negro slaves played a key role in the abolitionists’ success in ridding this country of the injustice of slavery. I hope to use a different set of images to stop another terrible injustice - the torture, maiming, and destruction of children throughout this country. I invite the two of you to join me in this effort.
Mr. President and Mrs. Obama, Pope Francis has called us to love during the recent Year of Mercy. “Ah Mercy, this is the name of God.” The images to which I refer above are those in the Grantham Collection. Please read the names of the instruments, and the mode of action of each one. Two of my favorites are the various models of Extractors, and one unnamed brass instrument with the likeness of an acorn.
How can civil, caring, intelligent persons, like yourselves, support the continued use of these cold, steel instruments on innocent children in the womb?
After you leave your present positions, I am hopeful you both will prayerfully consider joining the battle to abolish abortion, and establish a Human Life Amendment. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the recent Year of Mercy!
In the meantime, I will continue to pray that you will experience a Metanoia with respect to abortion.
May God have Mercy on us all!
Most Respectfully,
Rose M. Bryo
Appropriate letter for a politician who supports the Culture of Death.
Letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo January 29, 2019
The Honorable Andrew M.Cuomo
Governor of New York State NYS
State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Governor Cuomo,
One month after Christmas, 1/25, our Church celebrates the conversion of St. Paul. Paul is the patron of writers, like myself, and public workers, of which, you are a member. I wrote an article on my website encouraging the faithful to smother you in love and prayers for your actions in the New York legislature, which persecute young, innocent embryos in their mothers’ wombs. The tough love includes an education about Church teaching. My hope is that you will be opened to understanding the Truth, and will consider a metanoia with respect to this issue of human rights for the unborn.
I read that several years ago, in an inaugural address, you repeated the phrase: “It’s her body; it’s her choice!” Governor, you forget there is a second body with separate DNA within our mothers’ wombs. It is I, and my many ‘cousins’ who are dependent on our mothers’ bodies for survival. Please recall Catholic Theology which contradicts your first statement: “It’s her body…” In fact, not only is the child within her womb a gift from God, the mother’s body, itself, is also a gift from God. The mother’s duty is to carry out God’s will with her gifted body, which should not include the immoral choice of destruction of the child.
The second part of your phrase: “’s her choice”, should refer to the mother’s many moral choices; adequate rest, nutritious diet, avoiding toxins such as cigarettes and alcohol, not immoral choices such as; burning of the skin and internal organs with chemicals, dismemberment, or ‘quadripleging' and beheading. Mr. Cuomo, I beg you, pray about your choice! Recall your Catholic education, including your studies at Fordham University, and consider a turning around of your heart, a Metanoia.
“Andrew, Andrew, why do you persecute me?” If Saul can experience a ‘turnaround’, I think an educated man, like yourself, is capable of such a Metanoia. We’ll keep praying for you!
Rose M. Bryo
Rose Michael Bryo,
cc: Bishop Scharfenberger
The information in this letter is contained in a post, titled: “St. Paul, Patron of Public Workers”. It is located in the Blog, ‘Words from the Womb’, on this website, published 2/2019.
Appropriate letter for a Catholic politician who supports the Culture of Death.
Love Letters from Mothers Who Have Experienced an Abortion February, 2019
Hope After Abortion,, has examples of communications and letters from mothers who have experienced an abortion. The list of items available is comprehensive and very informative. If you are considering an abortion, or have experienced this trauma, these pages should serve as a tremendous resource. Some mothers may feel this is an unforgivable sin. This is not so. The love and mercy of Jesus is infinite.
A List of Letters and entries in “Hope After Abortion” includes:
Letters from your hearts to ours, and ours to yours.
Your stories in your own words.
Expressions of Healing and Thanksgiving.
Aftermath and Psychological Effects of Abortion.
Portraits of Grief.
Please read the words of John Paul II from his “Gospel of Life”.
“I would like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion. The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you His forgiveness and His peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You will come to understand that nothing is definitively lost and you will also be able to ask forgiveness from your child who is now living in the Lord.” (5)
Resources and Prayers are listed on this comprehensive website:
Individual posts in the Blog Section, “Words from the Womb”, deal with many of the issues addressed on the website, “Hope After Abortion”, but may not be as comprehensive as “Hope After Abortion”.
With Love,
Rose M. Bryo
Pen Name Explanation for Rose Michael Bryo:
Rose Michael Bryo is the Pen Name for Sam DunLany, M.D. Rose is a gestational, 2 month old embryo, who usually signs her works as: Rose M. Bryo.
Sam DunLany, M.D. is a retired physician of Internal Medicine, who, with his imaginary daughter, Rose, publishes a website: The purpose of the website is to educate people about development of the child in the womb, to reveal the humanity of the unborn, and to encourage a Change of Heart with respect to the injustice shown the Unborn. Sam DunLany is the father of three grown children, two of whom are adopted.
Letter to President Joseph Biden
President Joseph Biden December 27, 2021
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Mr. President, please reconsider your choice to deny me the use of my newly-found senses in your State of Delaware. The first sensual experience is the aroma of waste gases from the Sunoco refinery in Claymont, and the second is the decaying Horseshoe Crab, flipped on their backs, unable to right themselves. I am treated to a sad sight in addition to the stupendous stench! These aromas are not the most pleasant ones for my sensitive nose, but they would be great life experiences and the source for future stories. My ears can’t wait for the music of the Delaware accent and the hum of the Brood X cicadas in the summer of 2021. Nice treats for my nose and ears, Mr. President!
Wonderful sights in addition to the crabs on their backs include the Cape Henlopen State Park and the Rehoboth Beach and Boardwalk. Such nice vistas to behold. The touches for my tiny fingers include the soft wool of the lamb, my fragile skin, and the ‘feel’ (A very different sensation, indeed!) of the excitement at Dover International Speedway. Also, Bethany Beach has the ‘feel’ of one’s coastal home. Ahh…the tastes of peaches, peach pie, and slippery dumplings with chicken gravy can’t be beaten. Chicken is your #1 export and scrapple for breakfast is promoted by Delaware to the max but claimed by your and my birth state of PA. My favorite taste is my mum’s first squirts from her pumping nipples of that sweet, highly caloric, nutritious colostrum, loaded with proteins, especially those powerful antibodies. Please don’t deny me!
Mr. President, we share the Catholic faith, and my father and you share the joys of a fine Catholic education. Recall this quote by Augustine; “Lex iniusta non est lex.” We know that Roe v. Wade is not just because it does not give to the child what he/she is due. It does not provide the child in the womb with a warm, safe environment that is free of toxins, invasion of cold, cruel, steel instruments which inflict pain, suffering, and eventual death. Justice is lacking because the child is deprived of oxygen and proper nutrition provided by my mum.
Tell me, Mr. President, what is the purpose in denying me and my cousins the opportunity to participate in Creation? Why not experience metanoia, share these sensuous encounters, rid yourself of your pusillanimous features, and embrace the magnanimity of which you are capable? To allow us “To Be” would be a merciful gesture that would not go unappreciated. Mr.President, please grant my plea! Recall the Beatitude; “Blessed are the merciful, they shall be shown mercy.”
With love,
Rose M. Bryo
This type of letter appeals to the person’s heart, asking the oppressor to allow the embryo to live so he/she can experience creation through the use of their five senses. This idea was suggested by Saint John Henry Newman, who said that some evils are combatted by use of the imagination and appealing to one’s heart, rather than the intellect.
Letter to Craig Greenburg, Mayor of Louisville
Mayor Craig Greenburg July 13, 2024
527 W. Jefferson St.
Louisville, KY
Dear Mayor Greenburg,
I will review some of the ideas and ideals you promoted during your campaign and inauguration as Mayor of Louisville. By doing this I will demonstrate why you should change your position on the Unborn. You said; “Our greatest asset is our people”. You generalized about all the people and various walks of life that contribute to the vibrancy of the city. Why then would you wish to deny the children in the womb a chance to participate in Creation, which includes the use of city parks, participation in sports, arts, culture, and educational opportunities available in Louisville?
In your inaugural address, you wanted to consider racial justice and equity as part of every decision at Metro Government. Eliminating Child Sacrifice would make the city more Just, Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive. Blacks make up 15% of the population, yet they are sacrificed in the womb at a rate of 35 to 40%. That is not Equitable, Just, Inclusive, Compassionate, Merciful, or Loving. This Modern Sacrifice resulted in a Black Genocide. Read: Mayor, I know you studied Law, and you understand that Justice demands that we give the other what is their due. The child in the womb is due a warm, dark, wet, protected place to grow and develop, free from chemicals, toxins, and deadly instruments.
Mr. Greenburg, you stated that you wished to reduce violence to achieve a safer, stronger, healthier, more Just Louisville. I know that you were a victim of a violent act. The methods used to sacrifice children in the womb are barbaric and extremely violent. Peace-making was encouraged by Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Thomas Merton, and Jesus. Please consider taking the City on a more virtuous path when considering expectant mothers. I know this will take great Courage. Pope Benedict said; “Violence is an act against human reason, therefore is an act against God.” Louisville, with your support, could play a leading role in ridding America of Child Sacrifice, the most serious Human Rights Issue of our time.
Please think about it, Mr. Greenburg.
Rose M. Bryo
Appropriate letter to a politician who supports the Culture of Death.
Letter to Ryland Barton at NPR, KY
Dear Ryland Barton, July 13, 2024
I have enjoyed your reporting and assessments, especially when you appear on Kentucky Tonight on KET. This past month I listened to your discussion with another NPR host about abortion rights and the present political scene. I am on a campaign to educate people, especially community leaders like yourself, about the true nature of child sacrifice (procured abortion), to stimulate a metanoia and transform modern-day child sacrifice into an unthinkable entity.
NPR prides itself on TRUTHFUL reporting. The euphemisms used by the media and the public are truly dysphemisms to my ears and the ears of the Unborn. Let us examine the phrase; “Reproductive Healthcare”. First, let me say there exists an entity called reproductive healthcare that is True, Good, and Beautiful. When your colleagues in the news media declare this phrase and the public hears it over the airways, no one thinks about what is True, Good, and Beautiful. Rather, we bring to mind the sacrificing of the innocent, unarmed, noncombatant child in the womb which is neither healthcare nor reproductive. I think NPR reporters, like yourself, are more magnanimous than those who participate in the Culture of Death. Please drop, or at least challenge, these dysphemisms that are spoken or written by this Culture.
In light of the topic addressed in “Pearls Before Swine” on 7/3/24, I would like to apply for the position at NPR entitled: “Word Decider for the Unborn”. The word abortion is the medical term for a miscarriage. “Procured Abortion” is a more accurate description of the current topic. In my writings, I prefer the phrase “Child Sacrifice” be substituted for “abortion”. Please recall the ancient, barbaric practices of the Aztecs, the Incas, and the Canaanites. See: - “Modern Child Sacrifice”. NPR might find that term too barbaric or vile for the listener. Other phrases could be substituted for “A Word“; “an intrinsically evil act”, or the phrase used by Pope Francis for abortion; “like hiring a hit man”… to end the life of the child. These phrases are wordy, uncomfortable, and would be abrasive to some, but granted, more truthful.
Mr. Barton, the phrase you used with the NPR Host in late May, “Abortion Rights”, is a Right that does not exist. Can we possess a right to “hire a hit man” or perform an intrinsically evil act? Who would author or grant such a right? Is this Right written down, can an evil act be inscribed on our hearts? Recall the Dred Scott Decision that declared a Black Man was not a human citizen, but he only qualified as property. Laws are not the same as rights. Laws may be just or unjust. Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade were unjust because they did not give to the other (the slave and vulnerable child) what the other was due. These laws did not follow the precepts of Natural Law or Divine Law. A quote from St. Augustine; “Lex iniusta, non est lex”.
I call on the reporters and staff at NPR to nourish that small seed of Magnanimity within your hearts. I beg you to discard your Pusilla Anima, delete the euphemisms/dysphemisms from your computers, and report the issues in a virtuous, truthful manner, to achieve that which is True, Good, and Beautiful. Let us abandon the violence of child sacrifice and grant Mercy and Justice to the most vulnerable members of society. By changing your vocabulary, NPR could assist in transforming the citizens to experience Metanoia, resulting in a less violent, more loving society. NPR can meet this challenge, but it will take great Courage. Like John Fischer and Thomas More, you might lose your head to the King (Culture of Death) if you adopt this practice using more truthful and accurate terms and phrases.
Rose M. Bryo
cc: Stephen George, President of LPM
Gabrielle Jones, Vice President of Content for LPM
Appropriate letter to any media source that stresses the importance of truthful words and phrases.