In December 2014 Live Action News reported the data from the CDC revealed 78% of abortions in New York City were of Black and Hispanic babies. Blacks make up 25.5% of the population of NYC, but account for over 46% of abortions in the city. The statistics reveal that more black babies were aborted in NYC than were born.
Black women have higher abortion rates than all women. There are 436 abortions per 1,000 live black baby births. Overall black women make up 11% of the female population, but 36% of all abortions. By 2014, 18 million blacks had been killed by abortion. Abortion has suppressed the black vote greater than poll taxes, literacy tests, voter ID requirements, and the KKK combined.
Live-Action records video showing Planned Parenthood agreeing to accept donations specifically earmarked for abortion of black babies. Why has Planned Parenthood joined the #BlackLivesMatter project? “Since when has Planned Parenthood cared about black lives?”, asks Live-Action. Margaret Sanger, a devoted racist, created The Negro Project, designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as ‘undesirable’. Sanger said, “Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated”.
Black lives matter. Do you know why this is the case? A leader in the Catholic Church explained it simply ”… because ALL lives matter”. ALL lives include the one-celled zygote, the Morula (Clump of Cells), the embryo, the fetus, the child, adult, the elderly - all with their unique human DNA. What is the most dangerous place for a black child in today’s society? Is it Watts in L.A., Ferguson, MO, Mississippi, Newark, New York City? No. The most dangerous place for a black child is his or her mother’s womb. How sad is that?
Read more about the history of Planned Parenthood and the good work of Rev. Clenard Childress at Black Genocide. My apologies - I could not get the link to work from this site. Try Googling Black Genocide, or going to the Resource List where the link works. Read about Lila Rose and the work of Live Action exposing Planned Parenthood at, and Also read a commentary by my father's friend, Birgit Jones, at:
Here is a reflection on the Black genocide taking place in the U.S. as described by The Catholic Thing on 5/17/2022, written by Randall Smith. Many in the Black community speak out about how reducing the number of abortions will be harmful to the Black population in a disproportionate way, but the opposite is true. In my father’s city two of the three providers at the abortion facility are members of the Black race. How sad is that.
With love,
Rose M. Bryo
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