Thank you, Mummy, for providing me with a dark, warm and wet home in which to nourish and develop my small, but complex body. I was sad to learn recently that you have been blessed/cursed with the label of “supertaster”. For those of you not familiar with this condition, it is described by Wikipedia as a person who experiences the sense of taste with far greater intensity than average, with some studies showing an increased sensitivity to bitter tastes. This often results in an aversion to alcohol, which is one positive aspect of this condition. Alcohol can be devastating toward my development in the womb.
I enjoy greatly the candy, chocolate (talk about bitter), and cake with penuche icing that you seem to crave, but I suffer as a result of this ‘gift’ of yours. My father studied science, but dietary issues were not stressed adequately during his training. My father enjoys consuming the delicious and nutritious foods you steadfastly avoid. The list includes: broccoli, asparagus, kale, brussels sprouts (grilled with salt and bacon grease), cabbage, cilantro, mushrooms and coffee - just to name a few. Avoidance of alcohol and cigarettes is a positive effect of your ‘gift’ - thank you! Though, I must warn you that avoiding those nutritious vegetables might lead to an increased risk of colon cancer, which I remind you, is present in your immediate family. Please, won’t you try just one fresh asparagus with salt and real butter, please!?
It has been shown that the fetus discerns full-on flavors at 21 weeks and that we respond to odors at 28 weeks gestation. In the womb we tend to swallow more amniotic fluid if it is sweet, and less if it is bitter. Swallowing amniotic fluid has been seen at 12 weeks gestation, and flavors that can be identified include: garlic, mint, aniseed, carrot and vanilla. Mothers who consume salty foods to settle their stomachs during pregnancy, or who consume carrot juice, notice their child tolerates these foods better after birth.
So Mummy, keep those healthy foods and veggies in your diet. Variety is the spice of life. I can’t wait to experience the wide range of foods, and other life experiences myself. Thanks again for avoiding alcohol and cigarettes! Like my father I hope to gourmandize my way through life’s culinary buffet! To learn more about this topic please visit,,, and
Please help restore justice to the unborn, and join the fight against human right abuses, including the right to life of the unborn child. God’s mercy has no bounds, and His forgiveness is there for the asking.
Rose M. Bryo
Tongue of Supertaster
Drawing on iPhone by Rose M. Bryo
Pig: Source of bacon to enhance flavor of Brussells Sprouts. Acrylic by Joe Castlen