At 28 weeks the adrenal glands are producing steroid hormones. These glands have doubled since week 20, and will double again during the last 2 months of my growth period in the womb. My sleep pattern follows a circadian rhythm now, and at 32 weeks alveoli form, and continue doing so until age 8 years. My taste preferences are set, and reflect the tastes my Mum who is a Supertaster. I hope to expand on her limited culinary choices after my birth. I prefer my Mum’s voice, and female voices in general, compared to male voices. Stories and lullabies I hear during these last weeks are preferred after birth when someone reads or sings to me. My esophageal sphincter is now fully developed, relaxing to let food pass to the stomach, and constricting to prevent propulsion of food up the esophagus, then out the mouth. The glomeruli in my kidneys are fully functional now.
My body weight doubles in weight the last 11 weeks, and brain weight doubles the last 9 weeks. Keep those delicious calories coming, Mum! At the end of womb growth my brain will consist of 100 billion neurons. My eyes are 75% of an adult-size eye. The changes of my cardiovascular system are many at birth. One warning to mothers is to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs at this time. These drugs might interfere with, or stop the closure of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA).
Premature births are a serious public health problem in the U.S. and around the world. Induction of labor, or scheduling C-sections prior to week 39 or 40 is discouraged. The rapid growth of my body, especially the brain, takes place during the last 12 weeks of my mum’s pregnancy. Attention has focused on the lungs and the manufacturing of Surfactant, so the alveoli will function properly, exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide. Many of my organs mature during these last weeks, and continue doing so after birth. Serious problems and complications during pregnancy necessitate early delivery sometimes, but I wish to discourage early delivery of my little body for strictly personal or convenience issues. My plump, fatty tissue around my cheeks, trunk, and extremities needs to grow to insulate my body from the cold, cruel world I am about to enter. My growing brain is in great need of those fatty nutrients at the end of my development, as well.
“Oink” Family Pet Pig. Source of Protein, Fat, Pork Belly, Ribs, Ham, Bacon, Pigs’ Feet.
Acrylic Painting on Canvas by Joe Castlen.
I’m here! It has been a long hard journey. I would like to post a link to a funny video that is actually a sarcastic commentary on when human rights are conferred upon me. Besides being funny and serious, this video is very colorful. Scroll down to the “Just Saying Series,” then
“The Magical Birth Canal”.
Playing Peek-a-Boo behind my left hand. 1) Thumb, 2) Palm, 3)Nose, 4)Wrist.
8 Months Gestation.
Thank you for reading about my complex journey through the womb. I prayerfully ask that you help me fight for recognition as a human person from the time of fertilization. Learn more about this journey at:, and
With love,
Rose M. Bryo