Beauty - Path to God, Meet Rose's Artist Friends

Madeline’s Sunset, Acrylic by Joe CastlenBeauty of the Creator’s Sunset

Madeline’s Sunset, Acrylic by Joe Castlen

Beauty of the Creator’s Sunset

Gesu Bambino, Acrylic Painting by Erin Williams

Gesu Bambino, Acrylic Painting by Erin Williams

Photograph, Cherokee Park RedbudsBeauty of the Creator’s Spring

Photograph, Cherokee Park Redbuds

Beauty of the Creator’s Spring

Beauty is an important theme during the Papacy of Benedict XVI. It is the path to God, the source of all beauty. A sculpture, painting, poem, or song can remind us of God, touch the heart, and can assist us in a conversion of heart. This website hopes to promote a Culture of Life and stimulate a metanoia by educating all about the real Truth and Goodness this Culture of Life portrays, as well as showing the beauty present in this universe. The Beauty will be displayed in photographs taken by my father, primitive drawings and paintings by myself, acrylics by my friend, Joe, and niece, Erin, in addition to musical videos.

Pope Benedict reminds us that these works of art can open the eyes of the mind and heart. If this is the case, Beauty may be the path for conversion of the Intellectual, cold-hearted ventriloquist. {My apologies for not publishing the post explaining this special type of ventriloquist. I will publish it soon in this section}. I won’t give up on telling the ventriloquist about the Truth and Goodness present in God’s creation, but the Beauty expressed in my simple works of art might not be totally void of uselessness.

My niece, Erin, painted Gesu Bambino, which is shown with a story from the Guardian about abandoned infants on the streets of London. The article includes a musical form of beauty, Handel’s Messiah and Hallelujah Chorus, with links to these performances. Joe Castlen, a friend of my father, has several paintings paired with various stories. He painted a pig named “Oink”, which is shown on the page featuring late fetal development from 7 to 9 months gestation. The pig is shown with the story about ‘Supertasters’, which discusses mothers who limit their diets because of their dislike for bitter-tasting foods and substances.

Joe has a painting with flowers and a magnificent sunset which are paired with this story about beauty, and another painting with flowers which is paired with a Mother Teresa quote. A painting by Joe with a lake acting as a mirror, with a reflection of trees, a field, and more of the Creator’s beauty on double display. This pictorial reflection is paired with a rosary reflection in the Prayer section of the website, under Resources.

In the prayer section there are three beautiful songs featured on video. These include an African Credo which is very rhythmic and visually colorful. The Westminster Choir sings the St. Francis Prayer with a beautiful descant at the end. Acting as a book-end, the final song of prayer is one devoted to Mary, “Ave Maria”, by Arcadelt, the French/Flemish composer. My father’s parish choir often sings this version on special feasts devoted to Mary. Also, a prayer song in the Country genre is posted. The composer/performer, Dennis Bowling, is a brother of the Director of a Pregnancy Center where my father volunteers. It represents a prayer from an aborted child to his/her mother, telling the grieving mother of God’s infinite mercy. Pope Francis has a prayer video for artists and admirers of nature in the Prayer section.

Truly beautiful musical videos can be found on the website of “The Catholic Thing” at the following link to the archives of those videos:

Pope Benedict reminds us; “the work of art is the fruit of human creativity, which questions the visible reality, trying to discover its deep meaning and to communicate it through the language of shapes, colors, sounds. It is an open door on the infinite which opens the eyes of the mind, of the heart”. Learn more about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty by joining the battle for justice for the unborn. Open the possibility that all will experience the Beauty of this world and God’s creation. Visit the Home Page of, then click Gallery, Resources, Prayers, and Words from the Womb with its many posts, and join the fight for justice for the unborn!

Thanks to my artist friends!

With love,

Rose M. Bryo

Diana’s Porch, Acrylic by Joe CastlenBeauty of Flowers in Pots & on Flowering Trees

Diana’s Porch, Acrylic by Joe Castlen

Beauty of Flowers in Pots & on Flowering Trees