Metanoia - My Father's Change of Heart

    My name, Rose Michael Bryo, was chosen by my family to name me after Rosa Mystica (Blessed Virgin Mary), St. Michael the Archangel, and Moss, representing God's wondrous creations, including its many beautiful plants. Metanoia, the name of the website is of Greek origin, and means “change of mind”.  In the New Testament the word is translated as "repentance".  This repentance implies making a decision to turn around, to face a new direction.  This conversion, this change of heart is needed in our quest to make abortion unthinkable.

   My father has had a change of heart on several fronts in this life and death conflict.  Initially my father did not embrace the Church’s position against the death penalty.  After reading and much study of this issue, along with prayer, my father fully supports efforts to outlaw the use of the death penalty in our criminal justice system.  My father previously would secretly rejoice when an abortion facility worker was seriously harmed or killed, especially the physicians.

  My father realizes this is not a loving, Christian attitude.  All hope of conversion of the workers is lost if life is taken from them. My father told me recently if he were younger and more courageous, he might try to meet with abortion workers, attempt to listen, and quietly work and pray for their conversion. He was inspired to consider this after watching a documentary about Daryl Davis, a black, jazz musician/lecturer who befriended several leaders in Ku Klux Klan.  He witnessed the conversion of many of these people.  Perhaps a young person might be called to this mission of dialogue with the 'providers'. 

   Another issue for which that my father sees the need for a metanoia, is that of anger that is elicited when he thinks about abortion facility physicians, Catholic politicians and public figures who support the taking of innocent lives within the womb.  Primum, non nocere from the Hippocratic Oath - “first, do no harm”.  A Catholic attorney recently admitted that he makes people angry when he expresses his view that he feels abortion should remain legal. My father is trying very hard not to harbor these feelings of anger, and to direct these negative emotions toward education and prayer. My father converts his anger into prayer that those in the Death Culture will experience a change of heart. My father is hopeful a real Metanoia within these groups will take place soon. Let us keep turning our hearts toward the will of the Creator. An explanation of Metanoia is found in an article from The Catholic Thing, 3/20/2022, by Fr. Timothy Vaverek of the Austin Diocese in Texas.

With love,


Rose M. Bryo

"You change your life by changing your heart."
— St. Benedict of Nursia

A Change of Heart. Turning Around. Painting on iPhone by Rose M. Bryo.

A Change of Heart. Turning Around. Painting on iPhone by Rose M. Bryo.

Painting on iPhone by Rose M. Bryo. Change of Heart.

Painting on iPhone by Rose M. Bryo. Change of Heart.