Images of statements projected on the Basilica in Washington, D.C. by the Culture of Death were condemned by the Bishops, but the statements were most truthful. Why do Catholics participate in the Culture of Death in such large numbers, and what can be done to bring about a metanoia?
"I Surrender!"
Weapons to Combat the Culture of Death
Cardiomegaly Maker
Guardian Angels, Saint of the Day, October 2
Saint of the Day, St. Paul, 1/25/19
Abandonment, Art, Music, Compassion
Overview of My Journey Through the Womb
Ireland and the May, 2018 Vote
Metanoia - My Father's Change of Heart
The descriptions and stories on my website are directed primarily toward those working in, or for, the Culture of Death. My father reminds us that he has experienced a metanoia on several fronts in this battle. The most difficult task for my father has been to love those on the side of Death. He loves them by praying for them and ridding himself of evil thoughts toward them.