Theology of Law - St. Thomas Aquinas


Theology of Law - St. Thomas Aquinas

Public Square, Dignity of Each Person

Bishop Barron made a behind-the-scenes video about the life of Bartolome de las Casas and his work promoting the dignity of all human life. He preached against the injustices inflicted on the native Americans by the Spaniards in the New World. Bishop Barron discusses the theology of law, pointing out the three types of law described by St. Thomas Aquinas - positive, natural, and eternal. Bartolome de las Casas joined the Dominicans, and from the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, a great Dominican, he realized the treatment of the natives was not within the moral law, and was not just.

Bishop Barron explains that Positive Law, that law made by governing cities, states and countries, can be a just, moral law when it is based on Divine Law. Traffic laws protect human life by governing how we enter and exit an intersection. My father has nearly lost his life on several occasions at 4-way stops, when persons speed through them, without regard for the sign, or an approaching car. Tax laws help maintain our defense, our infrastructure, including our sewers, which allow us to work safely, and maintain our healthy bodies and present lifestyles.

Natural Law, Moral Law is an unchanging moral principle which helps us to do good and avoid evil. We know intrinsically that to kill an innocent person is immoral, opposed to God’s will. Natural Law is nestled within Divine/Eternal Law, which is God’s will. Divine Law is from revelation or scripture, and is needed for salvation. Has America supported laws against the Natural Law or the Divine Law? Slavery was once legal, and Dred Scott declared the Negro was not a citizen. Laws once permitted sterilization and experimentation on persons without their consent. Legalization of the taking the life of an innocent child in the womb - how could we forget?! St. Augustine taught that an unjust law is no law at all.

Lex iniusta non est lex.
An unjust law is no law at all.
— Saint Augustine
St. Thomas Aquinas

Bishop Barron reminds us that some laws are out of step with God’s will, and God’s purpose. Let us pray for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially those of Understanding and Knowledge, so that we, and our civic leaders, will come to recognize unjust, immoral laws, and that we will have the courage and fortitude to change them in accordance to God’s will. We pray for a more compassionate, merciful, loving society. Learn more about the pivotal players and Bishop Barron’s teaching at: and

With Love,

Rose M. Bryo