Infestation by a Brain Bug in an Intellectual, Cold-Hearted Ventriloquist. Vices & Lack of Virtue documented on legs, antennae, & back of the Bug.
When Rose speaks one notices that my lips do not move. Projecting my voice without moving my lips is one of my many talents learned after studying several gifted individuals over a period of months and years. Famous ventriloquists include: Edgar Burgen, Shari Lewis and Paul Winchell. The talented ventriloquists which recently served as my mentors are well-known public figures who practice a secret ventriloquy, unknown, not only to the public, but to the artists who practice it. Actually, these present-day mentors of mine use three forms of ventriloquy: Intellectual Ventriloquy, Cold-Hearted Ventriloquy, and Spiritual Ventriloquy.
Yes, words flow from their mouths when they speak, but they do so without moving or using their brains (intellect) and their hearts (lack of Mercy and Love). This leads to a lack of knowing and understanding Natural and Divine Laws. They speak before learning and embracing the truth, and they speak without showing mercy and love from their cold hearts. These mentors of mine include politicians and scientists who promote the immoral choices of ending the life of a child in the womb, and those suffering at the end of life. Many of these officials promote laws that support a Culture of Death. They promote the evil of abortion using euphemisms that shun the truth, and many are members of the Catholic Church, which consistently promotes the dignity of all human beings, including the unborn.
These individuals and many others who promote the Culture of Death are in need of our prayers. Join me in praying for a Metanoia, firstly, that our minds and hearts, as well as theirs, will be opened to receiving the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. These Spiritual Gifts perfect the virtues of those who are opened to receive them. On the website of one such official many accomplishments are listed, but her support for taking the life of the child in the womb is glaringly absent. She has a section on human rights, but she fails to open her mind and heart to the idea that the Unborn are deserving of the most basic human right, the right to Life. Is she ashamed of her position on this topic? This is an example of Intellectual ventriloquy by omission. Knowledge, a Gift of the Spirit, allows us to see things from God’s perspective. With Knowledge we can perceive God’s greatness and love for his creatures through creation, including a small child made in His image.
Here are two quotes about human rights on this official’s website: “As Americans, we must protect human rights both at home and abroad—the right to live freely without the threat of violence or repression, the right to live with dignity and respect”. “It is our moral duty to protect and defend those fighting to live in a healthy, democratic society”. By omission this official shows her skill as an Intellectual and Cold-Hearted Ventriloquist. Let us pray that all will be opened to receive the Gift of Counsel, allowing us to judge promptly and rightly in difficult situations. Counsel illuminates the will of God. Is it God’s will that an innocent child have his/her life prematurely ended by burning with saline or harsh chemicals, premature expulsion from the womb, dismemberment, quadripleging followed by suctioning of the brain, then crushing of the skull? Are these acts of Mercy, acts of Love? Some intellectual and cold-hearted ventriloquists think so.
Let us pray that those promoting this Death Culture will be accepting of the gifts of Wisdom and Understanding. Wisdom is viewed from the mind/intellect, while Understanding is love flowing from the heart. These two Gifts are perfect for the Intellectual and Cold-Hearted Ventriloquists. Together they form a wise and loving heart, which is the perfection of the Virtue of Charity. We will come to understand and know Natural and Divine Laws in this process. My embryo relatives and friends around the world would be most appreciative if everyone would embrace these Gifts and attempt to live in virtue. These reflections came from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Learn more at: I encourage all to read and study further. Living a virtuous life will help us mimic the transcendentals; Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. By doing this we will fulfill the Will of the Creator. Please read about and study these three attributes of our God in an article soon to be published on this site.
Another way to look at these ventriloquists mentioned above is to consider the virtue of Magnanimity, and its corresponding vice of pusillanimity. Indeed, these individuals are small-minded, little-hearted, and lack the ability to see the potential for each unborn child, and fail to show Mercy, by not recognizing the human dignity given each child by the Creator. My father and I might refer to the ventriloquist as a blatherskite! Let us pray that we, and the blatherskites will grow magnanimously!
Bishop Barron,, published a video 9/1/2019 about the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. The bishop encouraged us to become detached from worldly pleasures by following the example of Ignatius. The bishop’s final reflection on the spiritual exercises asked us to consider joining the battle of Good vs. Evil. If we take a neutral position, this is taking the side of the evil one, the side of the oppressor. So often we remain indifferent when called to support the Culture of Life. We are called to rid ourselves of our slothful ways and act with Zeal, a Cardinal Virtue. Pray that we will embrace the Gifts of the Spirit, and that those supporting and promoting the Culture of Death will experience a Metanoia, then embrace those same Gifts of the Spirit. Please join this effort to establish human rights for the unborn!
With love,
Rose M. Bryo