Transcendentals of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty - Attributes of God

Stink Brain illustrates the vices that infiltrate the brain of an Intellectual & Cold-Hearted Ventriloquist. These vices are listed on the legs, antennae, and back of this Brain Bug.

Stink Brain illustrates the vices that infiltrate the brain of an Intellectual & Cold-Hearted Ventriloquist. These vices are listed on the legs, antennae, and back of this Brain Bug.

God’s Creation: Goodness & Beauty are shown in this painting by Joe Castlen.

God’s Creation: Goodness & Beauty are shown in this painting by Joe Castlen.

These three Transcendentals: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty are attributes of God, and lead us to Love. Transcendentals deal with the spiritual, supernatural world. Herein lies the answer to the mass shootings, death in the abortuaries, and other evils in today’s society. We must teach and nurture these attributes so we mimic the Will of God. “God is love, and he who abides in love, abides in God, and God in him”. This is found at 1 John 4:16. God = Truth. God = Goodness. God = Beauty. God = Love. Other sources on Truth, Goodness and Beauty include: by Peter Kreeft, and

Love is not a feeling, but a commandment from God, first, to love Him, then to love our neighbor. By loving, we are on the path to Goodness. To love, we must die to the things of this world, and achieve Goodness. We must love the mothers with babes in their wombs, and assist them in a sacrificial way. We must pray that the mothers will act in a way opposite to selfishness, showing mercy toward their developing children. When one is faced with a difficult pregnancy, please choose the path of Mercy and Love. This choice is one of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

By reason we take a path of science and knowledge of God. When we read the Word of God, study His Revelations, we are grasping the ultimate Truth, God. To combat the ugliness, evil and untruths being promoted by the Culture of Death, we must promote and teach the transcendentals noted above. One way we can teach the Truth is to rid our community of the euphemisms used when describing the abortion procedure. A few examples: “Woman’s Choice.” - What about the woman within the womb? What is her choice? “Terminate a Pregnancy.” - Describe the actions subjected to the child: Severe burning of the skin, lungs, and intestinal tract of the child with the use of saline and other chemicals, premature expulsion of the child prior to viability, dismemberment of the child which results in the child bleeding to death. Finally, the act of ‘quadripleging’, carried out by severing the cervical spinal cord, followed by beheading, which is accomplished by crushing the skull/brain. “Reproductive Healthcare.” - Taking the life of the child is not reproductive in nature, and is not health care. The life of the child is snuffed out, then the mother of the child suffers physically and psychologically for many years.

I label those who use these euphemisms as being “Intellectual, Cold-Hearted Ventriloquists”. They project words from their lips without using or moving their brains or hearts. Ending the child’s life is not compassionate or loving toward the child or mother. Many mothers suffer physical and psychological harm after losing a child to these violent procedures. These harms may last a lifetime. Love is the Truth. We must love our neighbors as ourselves. We must search for Truth and Goodness by using our intellect and will. Let us pray that our pusillanimous tendencies will fade, and that we will grow continuously in magnanimity.

Beauty is seen in the universe around us, in the flora and fauna, in the music and visual arts, and in those made in God’s image, including the child growing in the womb. The complexity of the child’s development is beautiful. The transparent skin, the many organs, including the complex neurological and cardiovascular systems, are beyond description. This is in contrast to the ugliness of that which is proposed by the Culture of Death. I encourage all to choose Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. Please choose Love and Life!

With love,

Rose M. Bryo