Multimedia Painting by Rose M. Bryo of a Whiskey Still converted to a “Cardiomegaly Maker” to convert hearts of those promoting the Culture of Death. Burn off the Vices and infuse the Virtues & Transcendentals.
Race Horse with a Large Heart. Acrylic Painting by Joe Castlen.
Cardiomegaly is a condition that usually is not desirable, and often is associated with premature death. This word is derived from English and Greek - Cardio means heart or cardiac, and megaly means large. An enlarged heart is desirable under two circumstances: If one wishes to practice the Theological Virtue of Charity, and mimic the will of God, then having a large heart, with which to share one’s wealth and talents, is a good thing. The second instance in which a large heart is beneficial is to be born a thoroughbred racehorse, where record times could be set on the track, and large winnings could be had. Secretariat’s heart weighed 22 #’s, while the average racehorse’s heart measures 7 or 8 #’s.
Intellectual & Stone-cold Ventriloquists suffer from stone-cold hearts, and like the Grinch, their hearts are two sizes too small, making it difficult for them to share their love and wealth with their neighbors, especially those who are most vulnerable. I have taken a KY Whiskey Still, infused many virtues into the structure and used these virtues as ingredients to make the final product. The small, frozen hearts are warmed, fattened and pumped up by way of a metanoia, which then allows the Ventriloquists to truly hear and study the word of God. They can then more easily participate in the will of God. We can all love more fully. Remember, all of us are in need of this internal metanoia, in order to focus on Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
The Cardiomegaly Maker mimics a ‘Whiskey Still’ in appearance. Distilled spirits can have harmful effects on the body and brain when taken in excess. One pathological condition, Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy, is one diagnosis that can be incapacitating to a patient. My father treated a young man who consumed a case of beer and two fifths of bourbon on a daily basis. On X-ray his heart extended from the edge of one rib cage to the edge of the other, filling the chest cavity. On X-ray a normal heart measures 50% of the chest width. My father thought it a wise move to convert an old KY ‘’Still’ into a structure used to change hearts with respect to how we view and treat the child in the womb.
Remember to pray that we diminish in pusillanimity, and that our souls will continue to grow in a magnanimous manner toward the child. Let us err on the side of Mercy when we approach the mother and child. Instead of inflicting harm and death upon the child and mother, let us shower each with a sacrificial love, fulfilling the will of our Creator. God is love, and he who abides in love, abides in God, and God in him.
Rose M. Bryo