These observations of my growth and development during the 9 months of my mum’s pregnancy are marvelous to behold. Earlier ‘Journey’ posts on this website give further details, as do the posts featuring various bodily organs. I invite you to sit back, and enjoy the ride as I effloresce!
1 week to 3 weeks
After fertilization the one celled zygote, Rose, has a full complement of Human DNA, 46 chromosomes, 23 from my father, and 23 from my mother. The zygote begins to divide frequently and rapidly, becoming a morula/mulberry (clump of cells) at day 5 to 7. My spinal cord, brain, and heart begin forming during this period, with a heartbeat detected at its end. Yolk sac provides my nutrition, and early blood vessels seen.
4 weeks
Arms and legs begin to form, the heart pumps my own blood, and my brain is growing rapidly. Early spleen and kidneys, small and large intestines begin forming, early eyes and cerebellum. I’m enclosed in the Amniotic Sac. My main stem bronchi form. Early teeth - Baby Shark!
5 weeks
My fingers begin to form - look out Beethoven! I turn away reflexly if you touch my face. ACTH, Growth Hormone and Pituitary Gland are detected. Thyroid continues to grow, rectum forms, and yolk sac disappears. Cranial nerves identified.
6 weeks
My brain waves can be recorded, I measure 1/2 inch in length, and my white blood cells, lymphocytes, are detected. Nipples present on side of trunk, Adrenal glands evident. I move away when touched on the face.
7 weeks
I’m moving my hands and neck now, and experiencing hiccups. I have ovaries filled with eggs and my brother embryos have testicles. Hands explore, touching face and feet. Fingers are forming, hands meet in the midline.
8 weeks
Now my fingers and toes are formed and my external appearance and internal organs are similar to that of a newborn. You might detect whether I will be a right or left-handed pitcher. I float and roll over. My kidneys are making urine, peristalsis present in the intestine. Eyelids closed. I practice breathing. At the end of Embryonic period I have 1 billion cells, 4,000 body parts.
9 weeks
You might catch me sighing, stretching, yawning, or thumb-sucking. I drink my amniotic fluid, and I like to dance with my umbilical cord! I practice walking at this time.
10 weeks
I measure 3 inches now, and nails begin to form on my fingers and toes. Unique fingerprints are forming. I am actively moving. Intestines absorb water and glucose. Rose is a girl!
11 weeks
My nose and lips are fully formed, and I have different facial expressions. Many hormones are in the Pituitary and the thyroid is producing its hormone. Bowel movements detected, so the flavor of the amniotic fluid is further enhanced! Taste buds all over my tongue.
12 weeks
I now measure 5 inches, have taste buds, and can open and close my mouth, and stick my tongue out at you. My hands are fully formed.
13 weeks
I respond to touch, and teeth are forming - Baby Shark!
14 weeks
I’m sucking calories and find myself up to 4 ounces and 7 inches in length. My mum can feel me moving about.
15 weeks
Storing energy in the form of baby fat. Bring on the bacon, pork belly, and ice cream, Mum! I respond to touch all over except for a portion of my scalp.
16 weeks
I’m now at 6 ounces and 8 inches. Stress hormones are detected - this is hard work! Digestive enzymes detected in the gut.
17 weeks
I’m up to 20 million heartbeats! My heart asks; “Can I take a break?” I answer; “Duh”! Blood formation moves to the bone marrow.
18 weeks
My stats are now at 9 ounces, 10 inches. Rapid eye movements detected between 18 & 21 weeks.
19 weeks
My breathing pattern, body movements and heart beat have a daily schedule.
20 weeks
My head shows hair growth, I weigh just under a pound, and measure 11 inches. I have been seen playing with the umbilical cord. Vermix covers my skin. This white, greasy substance protects my sensitive skin from the amniotic fluid.
21 weeks
Survival is possible if I’m born at this time. I prefer to remain quarantined, however!
22 weeks
Heartbeat count is at 30 million, my weight is at 1 1/4 #, with my length at 12 inches. My hearing is functioning and I respond to various sounds.
23 weeks
I practice breathing movements up to 44 per minute - Sucking amniotic fluid, not air!
24 weeks
I startle with loud noises, with a result in increased movements, heartbeats, and swallowing.
25 weeks
I’m tasting! Yum! Bring on Pork Belly and Brussels Sprouts with Bacon! Don’t tell Mum.
26 weeks
I can make tears, and sense aromas with my proboscis (nose). Stats show 2 1/2 #, 15 inches. My lungs make surfactant, which helps the air sacs(alveoli) expand.
27 weeks
My pupils react to light. Does anyone know what an Argyll-Robertson Pupil is? What disease is it associated with? Why did I bring it up at 27 weeks?
28 weeks
Stats measure 3 1/4 #, 16 inches. Yawn! I’m tired - growing and getting fat is hard work!
29 weeks
Tubby (That’s me) is losing wrinkles, by putting on more fat.
30 weeks
Stats show 4 #, 17 inches. Breathing movements occur 40% of the time.
31 to 32 weeks
Heavyweight Stats of 5 #, 18 inches. Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee! Remember Ali?!
33 to 34 weeks
5 3/4 #, 18 1/2 inches. Alveoli develop within the lungs.
35 to 36 weeks
I have experienced 50 million heartbeats, and possess a firm handshake. 6 3/4 #, 19 inches.
37 to 38 weeks
More growth and fattening up. At term I might weigh 6 to 9 #, and measure 18 - 21 inches. My umbilical cord is 20 to 24 inches at term. I initiate labor.
I’m DONE! Open the oven door!
Read & learn more at, and at the prenatal summary section. Scroll to October/November, 2018 on this website at the blog, “Words from the Womb.” Reading the more detailed posts of this Journey earlier, I hope will give you a greater appreciation of the power and love the Creator has for mankind. This 40-week journey is truly miraculous. Please join the battle to fight for Justice for me and my many cousins around the globe, so legal protection can be restored for these innocent children.
Thank you,
Rose M. Bryo
August 4, 2020