"I Surrender!"

The earliest use of a white flag to denote defeat in battle was recorded by a Roman historian who described a Carthaginian ship which displayed wool cloth and olive branches. Another historian reported white flags being used in the Second Battle of Cremona in 69 A.D. White cloth was common and easily seen, even in the heat of battle. The use of white flags was developed in the East at a similar time during the Han dynasty. Prisoners of war were sometimes given white batons to carry to ensure safe passage. This custom was written into the Geneva Conventions in the 19th century, and it was illegal to falsely display the white flag, pretending to surrender. Learn more at: www.en.wikipedia.org, and www.HistoryInOrbit.com.

I offer the white flag to the Culture of Death, hoping they will discard their weapons of destruction, including: Chemical weapons and hormones, manual and electrically powered suction devices, scissors, clamps, detractors, forceps, knives, cranioclasts, curettes, Tire-tetes, perforators, decapitators. (Visit www.abortioninstruments.com.) Link does not work from this site. Copy link, then search in your browser.

Let’s look at the various characters involved in this Culture. Sadly, our mothers are front and center. We offer, with love, the flag to our mothers, knowing they may be in a difficult situation, often thinking there is only one solution. In addition to our pleas for peace, we offer solutions that are life-affirming. Many Pregnancy Centers offer assistance with clothing, housing, food, formula, and medical care. Adoption is a compassionate, loving option which can be achieved with the guidance of family and church agencies.

We would hope the combatants on the front line in the abortion facilities would recognize the white flag and immediately lay down their deadly weapons listed above. We offer them the hope of returning to the healing art of Medicine by recalling their promise, “Primum non nocere”, made long ago. This offer extends to the abortionists, their assistants, and the clerical staff. As helpless, innocent, peaceful children we prayerfully ask for your mercy, and beg that you spare our lives. The private owners, investors, and public organizations that coordinate this world-wide activity should recognize our call for peace and justice. Won’t you shutter these facilities, or convert them to places of healing and hope.

Our flag of truce is offered to those who propose and support laws that promote Death rather than the Culture of Life. All law comes from God, and it is our hope that you will rescind laws that are not nestled in Natural Law, in Divine Law, so we can return to a Just Society. Ask yourselves this question when offering a law; “Is it just, merciful, and loving”? Precedence is a very poor reason to maintain an unjust law. Think of our previous laws addressing slavery, segregation, voting rights, and personhood. Dred Scott proclaimed the Black man was not a citizen. Remember the quote from Augustine: “Lex iniusta non est lex.” “An unjust law is no law at all.” Please lay the foundation so our lives will be safe once again by rescinding these unjust laws of abortion. We beg for Mercy!

Please honor this flag of surrender and lay down your chemical and stainless steel weapons, then discard the euphemisms of your present Culture. We pray you can accept the gifts of the Spirit and help us promote the Culture of Life. Since we are conducting a war against the child in the womb, we ask that you abide by the Geneva Conventions. From Mother Teresa: “I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child…” I was taught when one is in doubt about a choice, always take the merciful route. There are many loving choices for the mother and child, none of which includes taking the life of the unborn child. I surrender to Jesus and the Creator. I ask those of you cooperating with the “Culture of Death” to do the same.


Rose M. Bryo


Some have questioned how I got this banner and its flagstaff within my mother’s womb. Let me respond by saying: “It’s Magic!” I pose a related question and comment: “How am I to prevent the puncture of the amniotic sac (water breaking prematurely) and/or the rupture of my mum’s womb?” Rupture of either the sac or uterus would mean catastrophe for me and my mother. As I grow and my muscles mature and begin to contract and relax, the flagstaff reverts to a dangerous weapon. Anatomically it seems an impossible task to rid myself of this dangerous weapon. I know, I’ll employ that magic again! This transfer might involve that magical birth canal featured on Choice 42 at www.choice42.com. Click on videos, Just Sayin’ Series, then scroll to Magical Birth Canal. After I pass this banner to you, please present it to everyone involved in the Culture of Death, in hopes they honor this long-held tradition.

Please have Muh…cy on me!

Peace be with you,

Rose M. Bryo

“I Surrender!” Watercolour on canvas by Rose M. Bryo. Rose is hopeful the Death Culture will recognize this symbol of peace, lay down their chemical, steel, written and verbal weapons, so Justice can be applied to the Unborn. Let’s end this war against the innocent, non-combatant children!

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St. Augustine: “Lex iniusta, non est lex”.

St. Augustine: “Lex iniusta, non est lex”.