Justice and Lives Mattering

“Justice Fulfilled” Watercolour by Rose M. Bryo. Achieve Peace by Working for Justice. Father, Forgive Them…

Justice Fulfilled” Watercolour by Rose M. Bryo. Achieve Peace by Working for Justice. Father, Forgive Them…

Today, 8/19/20, Bishop Barron had a reflection on justice as it was described in the Gospel of the day. All workers in the field were paid the same, no matter what time of day they joined the workforce. Justice according to Jesus might be different from our view of justice. One definition of justice is that a person receives what is due or deserved. What is due an unborn child? A safe environment without trauma and protection from the environment and toxins is due each child. Proper nutrition and hydration are items deserving to the child. This requires our mothers to eat nutritious food, consume proper fluids, rest their bodies, avoid traumatic exercises, certain toxins like cigarettes, alcohol, narcotics, and some prescription medications. These measures will allow each developing child in the womb to share and participate in Creation, first as a newborn babe. Read more at: www.wordonfire.org.

In the Summer of 2020, there has been much talk about Justice and the lives of Blacks mattering. We can all agree that Black lives matter, but many disagree about why this is the case. The fact is that all lives matter because we are all made in the image of the Creator. Many do not agree on the definition of ‘all’. It is my suspicion that the majority in the Black Lives Matter Movement do not include my fellow embryos and pre-born infants within their definition of ‘all’. That is very sad. From the time of fertilization, we possess the full complement of DNA that all members of homo sapiens exhibit in every cell of their bodies. Some of us are Black, but many are members of other ethnic groups. Pre-born Black infants have been targeted by the Culture of Death for annihilation for many decades, and this is a form of genocide. All of us, pre-born and born deserve justice, including a chance to participate in Creation. Please join me in speaking out for all unborn children.

We must work for justice in order to achieve peace. Let us pray that we will accept and use the Gifts of the Spirit in this battle, so all will be educated about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, then we will be equipped to rescind unjust laws that address the issues of lives mattering. Please join us in the battle to terminate this evil of child sacrifice. Pray for the Virtue of Magnanimity, so our minds and hearts will be opened and accepting of the little ones made in God’s image. Please remember Mother Teresa’s comment: “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."

I beg you to join me in this unjust war against children in the womb!


Rose M. Bryo