The Silence is Deafening

The Holy Spirit’s Courage is needed by our Church leaders to speak the Truth about child sacrifice, so a metanoia (change of heart) is experienced to achieve legal protection of the unborn. One need not roar in all circumstances.

Shortly after the March for Life in January 2022 pro-choice Catholics projected phrases that read; “1 in 4 abortion patients is Catholic”, “Pro-choice Catholics you are not alone” on the Cathedral in Washington. Several high-ranking prelates decried these messages and condemned the displays. At other churches, more vulgar messages were projected onto facades and shouted from megaphones at people gathered in prayer. While the messages displayed on the Immaculate Conception Shrine were placed by those who opposed the teaching of the Catholic Church, the actual quotes were most truthful.

Pro-choice Catholics are very numerous throughout our communities, so truly, they are not alone. Catholics participate in abortion at the same rate as do other denominations, based on their populations. Why do Catholics participate in the evil industry of child sacrifice? I think we do not understand what a huge transgression this act is against the will of the Creator. I think the reason for this lack of knowledge and understanding is the absence of instruction from the pulpit by our priests. Read this article about the “spiral of silence”. Read “The Teal Mask and the Witness of Veronica” published on 1/31/22 on The Catholic Thing.

The silence is deafening! 

The apathetic atmosphere is suffocating! We must shed our torpid mentality. The life-giving oxygen has been sucked from us because we don’t want to offend the 1 in 4 sitting in the pews who are suffering because they participate in the Culture of Death. There is a solution, which is called truth-telling. In the same breath that describes how vile, how evil this participation is, then you follow with the phrase; “The Lord’s mercy and love are infinite, limitless, and fall from the heavens as a gentle rain on all below”.

Shakespeare phrased that last line in a more poetic verse. This transgression is forgive-able, and the Church is present to assist the children, the mothers, and fathers by offering the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, in addition to offering material goods and professional counsel. We must first speak the truth, then we will be left with the goodness and beauty of a world which is void of this evil practice of child sacrifice. We all have the potential for a magnanimous metanoia! Pray for the Courage to speak out, end the deafening silence.

Speaking of silence, at our parish this year, there was nary a word about the 1/22 anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The bishops have declared 1/22 as a day of prayer and penance for the legal protection of the unborn. We need the Holy Spirit’s Gift of Courage so that we break the silence. Next year let us project our positive message of Hope on our houses of worship. Let us learn from those who think differently than we. We can demonstrate that we were listening to the other side after all, while we project our Hope-filled words to the world.

Lord, have muh…cy on us!

With love,

Rose M. Bryo