To combat the Intellectual, Cold-hearted Ventriloquists we have several tools at our disposal. Three instruments are capable of killing and extracting the Brain Bug from these Ventriloquists in order to counter the vices from which the bugs are made. Rather than start from scratch, I found two surgical instruments in the Grantham Collection which I have transformed into devices made up of virtues which will extract the Brain Bug and kill it. The third object which kills the bug is a metaphorical bullet used in the AK 47. The three bullets are called Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, and together make up the Theological Virtue, Love. Those three transcendentals describe God, our Creator.
The first surgical instrument is pictured first on the website of the Grantham Collection:, (Link does not work from this site. Type it in your browser) and is labeled a Manual Vacuum Aspiration (Aspirator). In my lab I have converted this into a Brain Bug Aspirator, made up of many virtues which combat the many vices found in the Bug. The second instrument is unnamed, toward the end of the collection’s inventory, which I call: The Bug Grabber. It is a type of forceps with a sharp spike at one end, so the bug can be securely captured, then extracted. As you scroll down the inventory of instruments, please read the names and descriptions of these tools of Death. This is a bloodless, less graphic way to visualize in your mind the effects of these abortion instruments. A favorite instrument is another unlabeled one that has the appearance of an acorn, and when the string is pulled, two sharp spikes emerge that dig into the tissue of the child after he/she has swallowed this device, allowing positioning of the child’s body into place, preparing for expulsion and extraction from the womb. Lovely?! ?Reproductive Healthcare?!
My suspicion is that the Acorn and Manual Aspirator are much too slow to be used in today’s fast-paced, Death-Cultured world. Having said that, I read yesterday, 5/7/2020, that Planned Parenthood still sends MVA’s (Manual Vacuum Aspirators to several countries in Africa to promote their Death-Culture needs. I’m resolved to work at a slower pace, because i know the Ventriloquists will not respond quickly to my efforts to educate them about the Transcendentals, which will hopefully lead them to a Metanoia. I don’t mind using the manual vacuum, but I must continually work on my own metanoia, recalling that it must be directed internally, progress continually, and must be Christological - centered on Christ.
I remind everyone of the importance of trying to grow our minds, hearts, and souls in magnanimity, while losing our pusillanimous tendencies. In addition to their brains, we must work toward a conversion of the hearts of these Ventriloquists. Remember their hearts are stone-cold and two sizes too small, as described in the Christmas story by Dr. Seuss, featuring the Grinch. Read about the Cardiomegaly Maker in a previous post. In it I demonstrate how I have taken a beloved KY mechanical device and converted it into a game-changer.
Rose M. Bryo