Ears - Hear Ye', Hear Ye'!

One of our five senses, hearing, is critical when we communicate with others. I appeal to the Culture of Death in my letters, asking them why they do not wish to share creation with the child in the womb. Why would you deprive the child of the opportunity to hear the sounds of nature and creation? St. John Henry Newman suggests we use our imagination, appeal to others’ hearts, when we are combatting a serious evil in society.


There are advantages and disadvantages to having a mother who happens to be a supertaster. After some thought, I did offer her a big “Thank You”! In my letters to the Culture of Death, I ask them why they would deprive the child in the womb of experiencing the many delicious foods available to us all. I ask them to shed their pusillanimous tendencies, and embrace a loving, sharing attitude toward the child in the womb.